Group Psychotherapy Programme

The Group Psychotherapy Programme delivered by One in Four is a 20-session programme which is aimed at supporting individuals who have experienced childhood sexual abuse (CSA).

Exploring the present-day, relational impacts of the abuse is essential in our holistic approach to support individuals to move from surviving to living. 

Group participants will have worked through their experience of childhood sexual abuse in individual therapy. However, abuse happens in systemic contexts, such as families or schools where children often have complex and on-going connections and relationships.

The group programme provides a safe space where participants can explore these relational aspects focussing on the impact of the disclosure, current relationships, trust and intimacy. Being witnessed and supported by others who have shared similar experiences can provide hope while affirming the wide range of responses to CSA that are normal. The group setting also aims to break down the isolation that can be an impact of CSA.


  • The Initial referral to this group can be made by a self-referral, the HSE, Towards Healing or other professional. The individual will be initially met by the psychotherapists and advised of the policies and procedures of the Psychotherapy Programme, and group process.
  • The initial meeting provides an opportunity for participants to meet with the therapists facilitating the group.
  • Together with the therapists, participants can ask questions and decide the group would be suitable for then at this time.

The fee for group is €800 for 20 weeks, including a €100 deposit to enrol. Payments can be made in increments.

Given the focus of the group, it is important that individuals who wish to participant have had a significant amount of one to one therapy, where they have explored their trauma.

If you would like further information, please contact us on 01 6624070 and ask for Antoinette or Caroline.