A message from Julie our Clinical Director The last few weeks have been strange and frightening but also heartening for the therapy team. Once news of the school closures, and other public health measures, broke we began researching online tools to allow us to continue to provide a service to our clients. Things progressed more quickly than any of us could have imagined. We had one very long day - Monday 16th March to get online systems set up before beginning to contact each individual client. Technology can be daunting for some, including us, but thankfully the majority of our clients persevered with us and now, two weeks later, the vast majority of clients are availing of therapy through online platforms that meet the HIPAA requirements. Uncertainty can feel threatening and for survivors of sexual abuse the fight/flight/freeze response triggered by sexual abuse can be particularly acute. A sense of dread, of sickening anticipation and waiting is familiar to many survivors. This waiting and not-knowing may feel all too familiar and, without support, could potentially be re-traumatising. In these times, a familiar voice and, better still, a familiar face, has real potential to ground us when we are fearful, anxious and surrounded by uncertainty. It can steady us in difficult periods and remind us that, right now, we are safe. The nervous system can relax and unwind; stress hormones begin to dissipate. Fear is persuasive, it is intended to be and it’s not our enemy. Our fear response kicks in to keep us safe, to help us fight or flee. But for those who have experienced trauma, it can be difficult to distinguish danger from safety or to differentiate between levels of threat. Emotions can be infectious and when we are surrounded by social media accounts of the worst outcomes fear and anxiety deepens. Connection is the antidote to this because perspective and calm are also contagious. As we, as a team, are slowly coming to grips with technologies that facilitate this on-going connection with our clients we aim to expand the remote service to allow us to engage with those on our waiting list for a first meeting. We understand that calling One in Four can be daunting and leaving a message can be off-putting. Ann Marie our receptionist, is checking the phones very regularly, so your message will be received, heard and responded to within the shortest time-frame possible. These may be unpredictable times, but we are here. Julie Brown Clinical Director Our phoneline and email are being monitored regularly T: 01 66 24070 E [email protected]