My name is Jenny and I am an intern here at One in Four. I will be entering my last year of college this Fall at the State University of New York  at Oswego, expecting to receive my degree in Human Development in May 2020. As my time at One in Four comes to an end, I am grateful to be able to share my experience at this amazing organization. Today, I am leaving One in Four with real-life work experience and a new passion to help people.

            Preparing to take on the real world, One in Four taught me more than what it is like working collaboratively in a unique setting with a diverse group of people. While working in the Fundraising department, I was able to help generate the funds needed in order to have our therapy programs run on a day to day basis. While working with the head of the department, John Ryan I was able to work on some projects. Helping create the new website, collecting donations through various companies in support of our fundraising events, and lastly setting up collection boxes in various locations throughout the city to help bring in more money were only some of the projects I was able to take part in.

            Along with my work with the Fundraising department, I was able to go beyond the marketing side and see the heart of One in Fours work. I am pleased to be able to receive guidance, feedback, and new knowledge about the world of counseling from the clinical director here at One in Four, Eileen Finnegan and two of the psychotherapists Julie Brown and Bobbi Grogan. With their support, I am confident in my abilities and skills to move forward in my passion for therapy.

            Leaving One in Four having met some notable and knowledgeable people, has also left me with a new outlook of the world. Now having had the experience of working and living in Dublin, my experiences are now shaped and formed from a bicultural perspective. Using my background knowledge on Human Behavior, I was able to observe the work culture and gain a deeper understanding of what it is like for victims to go from surviving to living.

One in Four gave me a once in a lifetime opportunity to work in a dynamic setting that has a huge impact on people’s everyday lives.  I have gained communication, time management, and new technological skills that are diverse and will help me in any kind of job. I am grateful for the time I've spent here and can’t thank the One in Four team enough for taking me under their wing!

After receiving my degree at Oswego, I hope to attend graduate school to receive a masters degree in Occupational Therapy. Thank you to everyone here at  One in Four for fueling my passion and drive to always follow your dreams, no matter how hard the challenge may be!