Donal Cronin Donal is Director and co-owner of Carr Communications, one of Ireland’s leading communications companies, specialising in media, public relations, crisis management, and communications training. Carr Communications is also a recognised leader in the delivery of Behavioural Science training. Donal has a reputation among senior leaders in the public and private sectors, and in politics, as the best person to help articulate strong, clear messages that bring about population behaviour change. He has advised the Chief Executives and leadership teams of major Irish and international organisations, Heads of State Agencies, Taoisigh, Ministers, and the Secretaries General of Government Departments on the widest range of communications campaigns and challenges. He has provided strategic communications consultancy to many of the country’s leading agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Housing Agency, the National Standards Authority of Ireland, the Irish Aviation Authority, the Road Safety Authority, the Department of Finance, An Garda Síochána. He has also worked extensively with major Financial Services Institutions including Irish Life, R.B.S. (UK and International), and AIB.