Dr. Sinéad Ring Sinéad is an Assistant Professor of Law at the School of Law and Criminology at Maynooth University. Sinéad’s research explores how law and society respond to the problem of sexual violence. Her PhD was on criminal prosecutions for non-recent child sexual abuse. She has recently published (with Kate Gleeson (Macquarie) and Kim Stevenson (Plymouth) Child Sexual Abuse Reported by Adult Survivors. Legal Responses in England and Wales, Ireland and Australia (Routledge, 2022). The book traces how child sexual abuse has been understood and governed by law since the Victorian period until the present and evaluates efforts in criminal law and tort law, as well as commissions of inquiry and redress schemes, to do justice to adult survivors reporting childhood sexual abuse. In 2020 Sinéad was appointed by Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD as a member of the Sentencing and Guidelines Information Committee of the Judicial Council. In 2018 Sinéad was appointed by Minister for Higher Education to Expert Advisory Group on Sexual Violence against Students, which drafted the world’s first national framework in this area, known as The Consent Framework. Sinéad continues her work in this area through her work with the Higher Education Authority’s Expert Group in Ending Sexual Violence in Higher Education. You can find out more about Sinéad’s work here: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/people/sin-adring