News and Resources Press releases Press Release January 31st, 2017 PRESS RELEASE Tuesday 31st January 2017 DANIELLE RYAN IS TO SUPPORT THE SEX OFFENDER INTERVENTION PROGRAMME AT ONE IN FOUR One in Four is delighted to announce that Danielle Ryan is supporting the One in Four sex offender intervention programme in 2017 and 2018. Executive Director Maeve Lewis says “At One in Four we currently treat 40 sex offenders and their families each year. Many of the offenders on our programme will never be convicted for their crimes because their victims do not wish to make a complaint to the Gardai. We work with the offenders to help them understand the enormous harm they have caused to their victims and to support them in living an offence-free life. While we receive some statutory funding for this project, it does not nearly cover the cost and we always have a waiting list. We know that sex offenders generally will continue to abuse children until they are caught, often abusing up to 50 children over the course of a life-time. It is a constant worry that while an offender is waiting for a space on the programme, they may still be abusing children. Danielle has agreed to fund a two-year salary for a psychotherapist to work with sex offenders. This will allow us to treat an extra 8 offenders each year, saving many children from the devastating impact of sexual abuse.” Danielle Ryan says “These programmes, however controversial to some, have been proven to significantly reduce the numbers of sex offenders re-offending. Protection from as many future sex abuse cases against children as possible is our focus. That is what is important. I am very happy to support the work of One in Four and I am eager to open up a larger conversation around this ongoing critical issue.” International research shows that good sex offender intervention programmes are very effective in reducing re-offending. Of the 155 offenders One in Four has worked with over the past eight years, to the best of our knowledge only 5 have re-offended. While there is no cure, offenders can be supported to live offence-free lives. One in Four works closely with the Gardai, Tusla and the offender’s family in managing their behaviour and protecting other children in the community. Maeve Lewis ends: “Protecting children from sexual harm is everybody’s responsibility. I believe that the Government should be funding programmes like ours in every county in Ireland if we are serious about stopping child sexual abuse. In the meantime, we are incredibly grateful to Danielle Ryan for helping us to keep so many children safe.” ENDS For comment: Maeve Lewis, Executive Director, One in Four, 087 7584080