One in Four has helped me get my life back “I remember the pond at the end of my Granny’s garden, I would stare into it for what seemed liked hours, watching the ripples, reflecting....escaping. I liked being outside, inside just filled me full of anxiety and stress.” James was abused by his Granda. His childhood isn’t memories of the fun days out, playing football and messing around with his mates, it's of emotional, physical and psychological abuse. His Granda managed a shop, whilst his friends enjoyed their Sunday afternoons, James was repeatedly and continually sexually abused. Led up creaky old steps, at his granny’s house, his childhood taken from him. He was abused emotionally, physically and psychologically. James’ Granada has passed away, he is gone, but the damage, the anxiety, the shame, and fear will never be forgotten. With the support of One in Four, James has made brilliant progress. He graduated from College last year, has a new partner and they are planning to buy a house together. Unfortunately, there are plenty more stories like James’ - we get calls every day from other survivors. But with your help we can help more people like James survive the trauma of childhood sexual abuse. Please select a donation amount (required) €21 could help pay for us to answer our phone line and be there when a survivor needs us €50 could help pay for a one-to-one counseling session with a therapist €100 could pay for a mother to attend our family programme Other Set up a regular payment Donate