It had taken Martin many weeks to make the call to our office; he had saved the number onto his phone and tried calling… days and weeks …went past. He would bring the number up on his mobile, but couldn’t press the green call button.

It takes a lot of courage to ask for help, and when Martin did manage to let the number ring and talk to us: everything changed for him.

“It took a long time, but eventually I opened up. One in Four helped me connect my past experiences with my present challenges; therapy helped me find a way forward, a healthy way without the shame, without the guilt.”

                             Martin is 62 he lost his childhood when he was 8. Martin was abused by a teacher at his primary school. “At school of all places,” he said, ” the only thing I can remember learning  was how cruel life was, it taught me to hate myself,  I was made to believe it was my fault that this was happening.”

It was when Martin became a granda he decided to get help. “54 years it took me, to try and get help, to make the call.”

 “You see I lost everything because of what happened to me, thought I could forget about it, bury it, but it came out in ways I didn’t realise, I was angry at the world, my marriage broke up, my wife and kids left me.”

 “I feel like I have a second chance now and One in Four has helped me get here, back to a good place, reunited with my kids and grandkids.  It wasn’t easy, it’s taken me a few years, but my therapist didn’t give up on me, I learned not to give up on myself. Finding out it wasn’t my fault, that I shouldn’t be ashamed, was a real turning point”

           0ften a survivor of childhood sexual abuse will have waited years to make contact, and this year we have had to turn many away because our waiting list is closed. The demand on our services has been so high.

 Our therapists have a deep understanding of the harm caused by child sexual abuse and its impact across a person’s lifetime.  Recovery from its effects can be a long, painful journey requiring expert help but it can truly change a person’s life and also have a positive impact on their family and community. 

Can we count on you to donate today.  It will help someone start their journey to recovery. Please know that whatever amount you can afford will make a difference. It’s a difference that you alone can make and we can’t do it without you.

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